Meet Bravery, Love, and Compassion flower art prints

The past several months have required a recentering in my world - both literally and metaphorically. Though at times challenging, staying at home means more time to ground down, more time to practice gratitude. No more running around between appointments, planning monthly travels, and scarfing down quick meals.
As I’ve spent more and more time in my physical center, I’ve been more in touch with my emotional center as well. It would be a lie to say I’ve been balanced and content in isolation - intense current events create storms of fear and anxiety for me - but I’ve also learned to lean into what’s more important than these storms. Consciously practicing bravery, love, and compassion, my inner cheerleader’s three favorite words, has carried me through every anxious heart palpitation and every hopeless news report with hope and inspiration that our world will emerge a better place.

I’ve embraced these words with my whole self - they’ve become my compass. So, when I entered my creative space, I wanted to show this guidance in a visual form. What does it mean to be brave? To show compassion towards another? To love beyond measure?

The peony collection was captured as a symbol of this chapter in my life, the inner work I continue to focus on, and the human I strive to be. It’s an evolution of spirit - endless work that shifts and moves much like nature does. To represent this, my subjects were drenched in water and shot in natural light. Fluid and fluctuating just like emotions, the water reminds me of my thoughts. I chose these peony blossoms with the intention to remind us of the beauty we all hold within, and the power we have to bring it forth with strength and goodness.

with love,